Collection: New arrivals 106 products
- Acorn Fawn
- Black
- Bran
- Brown Olive
- Carbon Grey
- Cream
- Fawn
- Graphite Grey
- Hazelnut
- Khaki
- Light Sand
- Loden
- Natural
- Navy
- Quartz
- Regency Fawn
- Rodeo Red
- Rust
- Sand
- Santone
- Silver Belly
- Sorrell Tan
- Tanbark
- Taupe
Product Type
- Tops
- Accessories
- Activewear Bottoms
- Activewear Sweats
- Activewear Tops
- Apron
- Apron & Oven Mits
- Baby Set
- Baby Wrap
- Back Bags
- Backpacks
- Bags
- Bath Mat
- Bath Mats
- Bath Robe
- Bath Sheet
- Bath Towel
- Bath Towels
- Beach Bag
- Beach Towels
- Beading Needles.
- Beanie
- Bed Linen
- Belts
- Berry Pins
- Bias Binding
- Birch Bra Back Strap Repair
- Blanket
- Blanket Binding
- Blankets
- Blazers
- Blouses
- Bobbins
- Bodkin
- Bodysuits
- Book
- Boots
- Botton Shanks & Point Turner
- Bow Tie Set
- Bow Ties
- Bra
- Bra Repair Hook And Eye
- Bra Straps
- Brace Clips
- Bras
- Breast Forms
- Briefs
- Brush
- Button Extenders
- Buttons
- Cable Needle Curved
- Camisoles
- Cap
- Caps
- Cardigan
- Cardigans
- Cargo Pants
- Casual Shoes
- Chalk
- Circular Knitting Needle
- Clips
- Clogs
- Coasters
- Coat
- Coats
- Control Briefs
- Cooler Bags
- Cord & Toggle Pack
- Cord Ends
- Cord Puller
- Crochet Cotton
- Crochet Hooks
- Crocs
- Crop Top
- Cushions
- D Rings
- Darning Plait
- Diary
- Dishcloth
- Dress
- Dress Shirts
- Dress Shoes
- Dresses
- Dribble Bib
- Duffle Bags
- Dungarees
- Elastic
- Eyelet Kit
- Fabric
- Fabric Comb
- Fabric Marker
- Face Towel
- Face Towels
- Face Washer
- Fasteners
- Felt Hat Care
- French Knitter
- Fusible Web
- Garment Accessories
- Garment Care
- Gear Bag
- Gift Card
- Gloves
- Glue
- Gowns
- Gripper Studs
- Gum Boots
- Gumboots
- Haberdashery
- Hair Wrap
- Hand Cream
- Hand Towel
- Handkerchiefs
- Hangers
- Hat Accessories
- Hat Jacks
- Hats
- Hats Brush
- Headbands
- Hem Clips
- Hemmer
- Hemming Tape
- Hoisery
- Home Decor
- Hoodies
- Hooks & Eyes
- Hump Jumper & Point Turner
- Insoles
- Iron On Mending Patch
- Ironing Board Cover
- Jacket
- Jackets
- Jean
- Jeans
- Jerseys
- Jibbitz
- Jumpers
- Jumpsuits
- Kilt
- Kitchen Linen
- Kitchen Towel & Dishcloth
- Kitchenware
- Knit Fixer
- Knitting
- Knitting Needles
- Knitting Ribbon
- Knitwear
- Leggings
- Lingerie Accessories
- Lint Roller
- Lunch Bags
- Lunchbox
- Machine Needle Threader/Inserter
- Machine Needles
- Marker
- Market Cooler Bags
- Mastectomy Bras
- Maternity Bras
- Mattress Protector
- Mattress Protectors
- Mattress Toppers
- Mug
- Mugs
- Needle Threader
- Needle Threader Looped
- Needles
- Nesti Dante
- Nightie
- Oilskin
- Oven Gloves
- Oven Mitts
- Overalls
- Overshirt
- Pants
- Pantyhose
- Pellow Cases
- Pen
- Pencil Case
- Picnic Bags
- Picnic Blanket
- Pilchers
- Pillow Cases
- Pillow Protectors
- Pillowcases
- Pillows
- Pin Cushion
- Pin Holder
- Pins
- Pins & Needles
- Pjama Girdles Cotton
- Planket Pins
- Plastic Tubing
- Playsuit
- Point Protector
- Polos
- Pom Pom Maker
- Prosthetics
- Pullover
- Purse
- Pyjamas
- Quilting Fabric
- Quilts
- Rat Tail
- Repair Kit
- Ribbon
- Rompers
- Row Counters
- Sandals
- Satin Ribbon
- Save-A-Stitch
- Scarves
- Scatter Tray
- School Shoes
- Schoolwear
- Scissor
- Scissor Sharpener
- Scissors
- Scrub Pants
- Scrub Tops
- Scrubs
- Seam Ripper
- Sewing & Knitting Gauge
- Sewing Kit
- Sewing Machine Oil
- Sewing Needles
- Shaper
- Shaving tools Bags
- Sheets
- Shirt
- Shirts
- Shoes
- Shoes. Clearance Sale
- Short
- Shorts
- Shoulder Pads
- Singlets
- Skirt
- Skirts
- Skivvy
- Slippers
- Slips
- Snag Repair Needle
- Soap
- Socks
- Socks Protector
- Sport Shoes
- Sports Bra
- Sports Bras
- Sports Coat
- Stabilisers
- Static Spray
- Stationery
- Stitch Holder
- Stock Service
- Stockings
- Strapless Bras
- Studs
- Suit Jackets
- Suit Trousers
- Suits
- Sunglasses
- Sweat Shirt
- Sweater
- Sweaters
- Sweatshirt
- Sweatshirts
- Swimwear
- T-Shirt
- T-Shirts
- T-Shirts.
- Table Clothes
- Tablecloth
- Tailor's Awl
- Tailor's Chalk
- Tank Tops
- Tanks
- Tape
- Tape Maker
- Tape Measures
- Tatters Shuttle
- Tea Towels
- Thermal Bottoms
- Thermal Tops
- Thimbles
- Thongs
- Thread Cutter
- Threads
- Throw Rug
- Throws
- Tight
- Tights
- Toiletry Bag
- Toiletry Bags
- Top
- Tops
- Towels
- Tracing Paper
- Tracing Wheel
- Trackpants
- Tradies
- Trunks
- Tunic
- Ugg Boots
- Under Blanket
- Undershirts
- Underwear
- Vests
- Waffle Blankets
- Wallets
- Water Bottles
- Waterbottles
- Wine Bag
- Wired Bras
- Wirefree Bras
- Work Boot Protectors
- Work Shirts
- Work Shoes
- Workwear
- Workwear Accessories
- Workwear Tops
- Wraps
- Wrist Pin Cushion
- Yarn
- Yarn Threader
- Yo-Yo Maker
- Zips
- Abelard
- ACO Comfort
- Adventureline
- Aerobics
- Aertex
- Akubra
- Alegria
- Alison Sheri
- Allabouteve
- Ambassador Collection
- Ambra
- Amoena
- Anais
- Ansett
- Apollo Bay
- Ariat
- Ascari
- Ashdene
- Ashtabula
- Asics
- Attenta
- Australian_Spirit
- Avenel
- B.K Smith
- Back Bay
- Badgery Belts
- Bambi
- Bamboo Textiles
- Bamboozld
- Bambury
- Bariano
- Barmah
- Baselayers
- Basics
- Bata
- Baxter
- Bedhead
- Bellissimo
- Bells
- Ben Sherman
- Berlei
- Betty Basics
- Bianca
- Billy
- Birch
- Birkenstock
- Bisley
- Biz Collection
- Black + Blum
- Black And Blum
- Blazer
- Blue Horizon
- Blundstone
- Bolt
- Bonds
- Boss Cocky
- Boston
- Boulvandre
- Brand + Blum
- Breakaway
- Bridgeport
- Brigalow
- Brixton
- Bromley
- Brooksfield
- Brumby
- Bueno
- Bullzye
- Burke & Wills
- Cabello Comfort
- Caju
- Calvin Klein
- Cambridge
- Canterbury
- Caprice
- Carla Verde
- Cassini
- Catalinas
- Caterpillar
- CC Resorts
- Cellini
- Champion
- Charlie Jane
- Chrissie
- Christian Brookes
- Cinch
- Cipollini
- City Club
- City Collection
- Clarks
- Classic
- Cleckheaton
- Clover
- Coast
- Colorado
- Comfort Leisure
- Contare
- Converse
- Corfu
- Country Classic
- Country Classic Collection
- Country Look
- Create Handmade
- Croakies
- Crocs
- Cruel Denim
- Danger Kids
- Daniel Hechter
- Dashwood Studios
- DC Shoes
- Dents
- Desigual
- Devonstone Collection
- Diana Ferrari
- Didgeridoonas
- Dinero Milano
- Django & Juliette
- Double Plug
- Dr Feet
- Dunlopillo
- E.Talia
- Edgemont
- Elena Wang
- Ellesse
- Elomi
- Emily
- Emu
- Equinox
- Essence
- Eve Girl
- Failsworth
- Fantasie
- Farah
- Fate & Becker
- Ferracini
- Five Mile
- Florsheim
- Foil
- Formation
- Four In The Bed
- Fox
- Franco Bonini
- Franco Negretti
- Frank Green
- French Country
- Ganton
- Genevieve Swimwear
- Gino Ventori
- Givoni
- Gloster
- Gloweave
- Goondiwindi Cotton
- Goorin Bros
- Gordon Smith
- Gregory Ladner
- Gregory Lander
- Grosby
- Gutermann
- Hamlin's
- Hanna Hats
- Hard Slog
- Hard Yakka
- Harris Tweed
- Havaianas
- Heat Holders
- Hemline
- Holeproof
- Holmes & Fallon
- Humphrey Law
- Hush Hush
- Hush Puppies
- Indiana Jones
- Industrie
- Invitation
- Jacaru
- James Harper
- Janome
- Jason
- JB's Wear
- Jiggle & Giggle
- Jillian
- Jockey
- Jordana
- Josef Seibel
- Julius Marlow
- Jump
- Just Country
- Kachel
- Kayser
- Kennard & Kennard Fabrics
- King Gee
- Kingtex
- Kirra Beach
- Kiss Chacey
- KK Fabrics
- Koala
- Ktena
- La Strada
- Ladelle
- Lafitte
- Laguna Quays Resort
- Lee
- Lemon Jelly
- Leutenegger
- Leuts Burch
- Levis
- Liberty Fabrics
- Linen House
- Linens Unlimited
- Logan & Mason
- Lorna Jane
- Love Henry
- Love Luna
- Luxe Laundry
- LW Reid
- Lynx
- M by Flechet
- Mac's Craft
- Maglia
- Marco Polo
- Marco Santini
- Marquise
- Martini Marco
- Massa
- Mavi
- Me Master
- Mentor
- Merrell
- Michael Miller
- Milky
- Millwoods
- Milton
- MiniJumbuk
- Minkpink
- Miss Sachi
- Modapelle
- Monet
- Mongrel
- Munka
- Murals
- Mustang Jeans
- Nancy Ganz
- Naomi & Nicole
- Nattiva
- Naturana
- Nena & Pasadena
- New Balance
- Nude Lucy
- Oakley
- Ogilvies Design
- Oldsoles
- Oliver
- Oogee
- Orientique
- Orthaheel
- Overboots
- P&B Textiles
- Palmone
- Panache
- Panda
- Panda Slippers
- Paperbark
- Park Avenue
- Parkhurst
- Patons
- Pearls Manchester
- Perrone
- Philosophy
- Picadilly
- Pilbara
- Pilbara Collection
- Pilbeam
- Pingpong
- Pink Ruby
- Pinnacle
- Plakton Shoes
- Planet Shoes
- Playtex
- Polly
- Propet
- Puma
- Pure Comfort
- Pure Linen
- Pure Western
- Quait
- Quiksilver
- R.M. Williams
- Radisson
- Ralph Lauren
- Raquel Perez
- Rasant
- Realign
- Red Tractor
- Redback
- Renee Taylor
- Renoma
- Ria Menorca
- Rider
- Riders
- Rieker
- Rigon
- Rilassare
- Rip Curl
- Ritemate
- Robert Kaufman
- Roc
- Rockport
- Rodriquez
- Rollie
- Romance
- Romika
- Roper
- Rosdale
- Roxy
- RT Headwear
- Running Bare
- Russell Athletic
- Sabena
- Saint Goliath
- Saison
- Sala
- Sass
- Saucony
- Schmetz
- Schrank
- Scoop
- Scotch & Soda
- Sculptresse
- Secret Weapons
- See Saw
- Serengeti
- Sfida
- Sheridan
- Shucare
- Silent Theory
- Simona Ricci
- Skechers
- Skechers - Scrubs
- Skechers Shoes
- Slade
- Slatters
- Slim Form
- Sloggi
- Snugglebum
- Softwalk
- Sophia Ren
- Speedo
- Spencil
- Sportswave
- St Albans
- St Goliath
- Staple The Label
- Statesman Hats
- Stetson
- Stockpile
- Stubbies
- Sullivans
- Sunbody
- Sundowner
- Sunnyville
- Superdry
- Supersoft Shoes
- Swanndri
- Taos
- Thomas Cook
- Threadz
- Thyme & Co
- Tidwell
- Tiger Joe
- Tightology
- Timeless Treasures
- Togs
- Tommy Hilfiger
- Tontine
- Tooralie
- Toorallie
- Torretti
- Tosca
- Tradies
- Triluxe
- Triumph
- Tsonga
- Twisted X
- Two Green Zebras
- Up Pants
- Urban Behaviour
- Van Heusen
- Vassalli
- Victoria's Dream
- Victorian Textiles
- Vivid
- Volleys
- Vonnella
- Voodoo
- Wave
- Wild Rhino
- Wilderness Wear
- Will & Bear
- Woolstar
- Wrangler
- Yarra Trail
- Zeta
- Ziera
Levi's® Womens 312 Shaping Slim Jeans - Cool Agenda
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 312 Shaping Slim jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a built-in front panel that smooths an...
Levi's® Mens 514™ Straight Stretch Flex Jeans - Burch
About this StyleLooking for a fit that's not too relaxed and not too straight? You're in luck—the Levi's® Men's 514™ Straight Jeans hit that sweet spot. With their versatile, streamlined silhouette...
Levis Mens Full-Zip Mechanics Jacket - Neutral
A beloved workwear style reinterpreted for now
Cut with a relaxed fit
With a middle zip design
Features a contrast collar
Composition & Care
100% Cotton
Machine wash cold, Do not bleach, Tumbl...
Levis Womens 501 Original Jeans - Erin Cant Wait
The original blue jeans
Our signature straight fit
A blank canvas for customization and self-expression
Woven with a hint of stretch for all-day comfort and ease of movement
Model is 5'9" with a 2...
Levis Womens XL Superwide Jeans
Easy, baggy jeans
Cut with an oversized fit
Features an extra wide leg
With a tie waistband
Inseam: 30",Leg opening: 33",Measurements based on size 27 waist
Composition & Care
100% Cotton
Levi's® Womens XL Culotte Mid Rise Jeans - Shaded View
We took an oversized baggy cut, a culotte design and a wider straight leg and rolled it into these XL Culotte jeans. Then, we topped them off with an adjustable tie belt for added versatility.How i...
Levi's® Womens XL Culotte Mid Rise Jeans - Pick No Sides
We took an oversized baggy cut, a culotte design and a wider straight leg and rolled it into these XL Culotte jeans. Then, we topped them off with an adjustable tie belt for added versatility.How i...
Levi's® Womens Cinch Baggy Jeans - Invested Indigo
Love the classic baggy denim look but dread the waist gap? Look no further than our Cinch Baggy jeans. Cut with a flattering high rise and a relaxed fit, this style features adjusters on the back f...
Levi's® Mens Relaxed Fit Trucker Jacket - Waterfalls
Our Relaxed Fit Trucker Jacket makes an outfit—and its style endures beyond seasons and trends. Meant to be worn forever, wherever, whenever, you’d be hard-pressed to find a jacket with an easier s...
Levi's® Womens XL Skirt - Square Circle
Part of our timeless XL family; our XL Skirt was designed with an oversized cut and a classic mid rise to create one of the easiest staples in your closet. Plus; we gave it a touch of stretch for a...
Levis Womens High Relaxed Short
How it Fits
A vintage-inspired pair of cut-offs
A universally-flattering summer essential
Hits mid-thigh for a versatile style
Guaranteed to never go out of style
Inseam: 6",Leg opening: 22",Measur...
Levis Mens 454 Relaxed Shorts
How it Fits
Everyday, easygoing shorts
Cut with a relaxed fit
Features a low rise
Made with non-stretch denim
Model is 6'1" with a 31" waist. They're wearing a size 31.
Composition & Care
100% ...
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